Employment Opportunities within Our Organization
Jumpstart your career with us today. At EAI, we offer a variety of employment opportunities. Read the full description of the available positions today to learn more about our requirements and career opportunities.
Activity Coach DescriptionSpecialist Job Coach DescriptionDriver DescriptionApplication for Employment
1. Please download the application from the “Application for Employment” button.
2. Fill out the application utilizing your preferred PDF editor such as Edge, Firefox, or Adobe. Or you can click here to fill out your downloaded application.
3. After completing the application, save it to your computer, and then attach the application to the form below and submit.
We will review your application, and will contact you with further status.
Apply Today
Please complete our Job Application Form and provide the necessary details about you. For any questions about our career opportunities, contact us. We hope to have you as part of our team soon.